Putih-putih Melati

Melati, nama saintifik nya adalah, Wrightia religiosa.
Ini adalah tajuk utama bagi presentation Ornamental aku..

kalau aku tak buat entry ni,,, jangan harap la aku nak siapkan isi-isi bagi presentation ni.. lebih2 lagi group kita orang kena present awal dari yang sepatutnya... 

Yang best pasal present adalah,, aku boleh pakai baju habis comel,, hahaha
dan aku boleh cerita tentang yang aku suka,,, 

ornamental is one of my favourite subject,,, Including, Botany n fisiology, Biochemistry, Olericulture, weed science, nursery and propagating and lastly biak baka,,,

hahaha,, back to the topic,, Melati atau common name selain melati adalah,,

- water plum jasmine (bau macam jasmine)
- jeliti
- water jasmine ( It loves water )
- wild water plum
- common wrigthia
- sacred buddhist (selalu digunakan oleh org buddha for religious purpose)
- thai temple bells (selalu ditanam di temple n bunga tergantung mcm loceng)
-Sacred Buddhist
-Wondrous Wrightia
- Anting putri (tergantung macam anting2 n cantik macam putri)
sui mui

Unik x??
Bunga ni ma suka,, dia suka sangat... ada kat rumah,, actually pokok ni kena slalu pruning,, tapi kat rumah x pernah pruning jadi cam besar kot,,

Characteristic bagi pokok ini ialah,

family- apocynaceae

origin- northern peninsular malaysia (thailand & malaysia)
flower- has single and double flowers, flowers are tiny but very fragrant. Profuse,  white
fruit- long, bean-like seed pods that resemble a pair of horn, when ripe the pod will spilt open to release the air-borne, cottony white seeds.
eaves- elliptic blade, opposite, ovate or narrowly oblong
- Evergreen perennial
- ever-flowering and bloom profusely with a strong, wonderful fragrance.
- Shrubs up to 3m high
- sun-loving plant

There are several type of Wrigthia religiosa 

1) Common or Regular Single flower ( single petal)
2) Small leaf (smaller leaf than normal)
3) Variegated leaf (leaf variegated with white or creamy color)
4) Double flower (double petal)

Usage of melati in landscape

Ok this course is about landscape plant so we need to intergrated the flower with the landscape function

-melati is a common and very oftenly use as bonsai flower
(Because of its fast growth rate Wrightia can be trained into a bonsai tree within a short period of time. It can be easily trained and wired into odd and weird shapes. )

-its alway been a popular ornamental tree in temples and houses 

-In Thailand, it is probably the most popular plant, you can see it everywhere along the streets planted in ground as a specimen, a hedge or potted, it belongs to every garden! 

Aesthetic characteristic:

- beautiful dangling white flower

-As bonsai 

- Also can be grow as Specimen tree, hedge or potted plant

Functional characteristic:

- As landscape plant

- Fragrant

Undesirable characteristic:

- Need lot of water

- Sun loving plant which can't tolerant full shade

- The double flower does not have seed

- Not tolerant cool temperature, leaves drop

the unique characteristic of melati are

i) Traditionally used as medicinal herb. Roots are used to cure skin disease.

ii) can go into complete dormancy during the winter, losing all of their leaves
( During the spring as the weather warms up the plants sprout and begin to flower right after.)

iii) have a cute dangling little white flowers .

iv) Wrightias bloom for a long time beginning in the spring and are fragrant

v) Wrightia has tree-like properties and when developed into a bonsai it looks like a miniaturised old tree.

vi) Can be use to create alway all bonsai type that we want

that all,, the picture are not be uploaded now, it will upload next week after my presentation,, so wish me luck!!

horn-like pod

double flower

single flower


miniaturized tree

cluster of flower

on ground

variegated leaf

single cluster flower

dangling tiny flower

natural growth


double flower



succulent root

beak at center




small leaves

single flower

double flower



oval leaf

opposite arrangement


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